“Remember Kids, the only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down.” - Adam Savage

It’s true. If there is a single thing that I wish I had told my younger self, it would be to document everything. Everything. If you do something interesting, and it works out and it’s tangible, it in itself is the proof. But the process of learning things, or half finished projects, or even ideas as they evolve in your head, all these things are lost if they are not written down, and it seems like time wasted.

But if you write it down, you can resume where you left off, you can connect it to other things, and it serves as a dot on your map. Enough of them connect over time to form patterns, and maybe in that pattern you can see a path. At least, that’s what I hope to do.

Today, 15th September 2024, I officially launched this website. Official in the sense of I made the domain, hosted it, went through the whole process of putting it together. It’s still very much a work in progress, but I like it already. I have already made notes.rudrakabir.com a while back, a less official place to write things down, but this is a place for more filtered, or considered, or I suppose long form thoughts.

I would think of this place as a digital office, of sorts, where notes.rudrakabir.com is the messy garage. I like both of them.

Here’s what I did today:

  1. Wrote all the pages and decided on a static site generator. I’m using Jekyll, and it seems great.
  2. Set it up to run continous deployment with GitHub/Netlify
  3. connected both notes.rudrakabir.com and rudrakabir.com to each other
  4. I was really inspired by Derek Siver’s /now page and tried to make my own, spent some time making a trakt widget for it
  5. I wrote up documentation for the process of making a trakt widget, and then a tutorial for it!
  6. Now I have a shiny new website, two blogs, and a project to show for it. Good stuff.